Scientific Talks: Bioprocessing Workflow I : R&D Session
Innovation Through Collaboration - Accelerating the Development of Therapeutic Products from Discovery to Commercialization
Cell Based Assay as an Important Tools for Drug Discovery and Development Process
Enhanced Monoclonality Assurance
Tentang Webinar Ini
Drug discovery and development are crucial to finding treatments for disease with unmet medical needs such as cancer and neurodegenerative disease. The cell-based assays have many used because of their peculiar advantages of predictability, possibility of automation, multiplexing, and miniaturization, seem the most appealing tool for the high demands of the early stages of the drug-discovery process.
Opening Remarks
Speaker: Prof. Dr. drh. NLP Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si. | BRIN | Head of Research Organization for Health
Speaker: Rifani, S.Si, MBA. | Biosm | Director of PT Biosains Medika Indonesia
Topic 1:
Innovation Through Collaboration - Accelerating the Development of Therapeutic Products from Discovery to Commercialization
Speaker: Dr Sharon Du | GenScript Probio | Principal Business Development Director
GenScript ProBio is the biologics CDMO segment of GenScript Biotech(Stock Code:1548.HK), proactively providing end-to-end service from drug discovery to commercialization with proactive strategies, professional solutions and efficient processes in antibody drug and cell and gene therapy to accelerate drug development for customers. Toward the mission of "Innovation through Collaboration", GenScript ProBio is committed to helping customers shorten the timeline for the development of biological drugs from discovery to commercialization, significantly lowering R&D costs and building a healthier future With increasing recognition in the region, GenScript ProBio is proud to receive the "Best Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization Award" on the Asia Pacific Bioprocessing Excellence Awards 2022. This marks the third consecutive year of GenScript bagging the same award in Asia Pacific region.
Topic 2:
Cell Based Assay as an Important Tools for Drug Discovery and Development Process
Speaker: Dr. Masteria Yunovilsa Putra | BRIN | Head of Research Center for Vaccine and Drugs Development
Topic 3:
Enhanced Monoclonality Assurance
Minho Tak Ph.D. | Molecular Devices | JAPAC BioPharma & Drug Discovery Application Scientist
The enhanced ClonePix 2 system can automatically screen and pick clones that are both high producing and monoclonal—all in one system. Screen more clones in less time with monoclonal verification on day zero, then screen and pick for highest produces in less than two weeks. Reduce screening time from two rounds to one by providing image-based evidence of clonality. Rapid Z-stack acquisition feature allows detection of single cells throughout the medium volume, not just a single focal plane, on day 0. Simplified workflow from single-cell identification and productivity screening with the all-in-one system
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