Biosm Webinar: Technical Resources in Cell Culture - Primary Cell Isolation
Primary Cell Isolation of Human Ginggival Fibroblast
Introducing Primary Cell Isolation using MACS Technology
Tentang Webinar Ini
Topic 1:
Primary Cell Isolation of Human Ginggival Fibroblast
Speaker: drg. Puteri Mentari Siregar
Primary cell isolation techniques are very important in an effort to study disease mechanisms in vitro directly on patient-specific cells. The ability to perform primary isolation of human tissue also allows the collection of bio samples for genetic diversity in Indonesia which allows basic research to be carried out in depth and sustainably. Gingival fibroblast cell collection allows in-depth study of oral biology and physiology while maintaining relevance to oral characteristics.
Topic 2:
Introducing Primary Cell Isolation using MACS Technology
Speaker: Mohammad Zain, S.Si
Magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) is a method of isolating a cell, stem cell or metabolite product by utilizing the presence of Cluster Differentiation or protein of interest on the surface of a cell, stem cell and metabolite products. This method was developed by the German Life Science company Miltenyi Biotec, which uses a superparamagnetic column placed in a magnetic field. This isolation method can support a number of researches in fields such as immunology, cancer research, neuroscience, and stem cell research
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