Biosm Webinar: Your Cervical Cancer Screening Companion - LBC & HPV DNA Testing
Topic 1: Cervical Cancer Screening: How is The Understanding of The Abnormal Result (Dr.dr. Junita Indarti, Sp.OG(K)) | Topic 3: HPV DNA Role in The Cervical Cancer Screening (Denisa Bartonova)
Topic 2: The Importance of LBC in the Cervical Cancer Screening (Marcus Poh) | Topic 4: Cervical Cancer - Result Interpretation of Papsmear & HPV DNA (Dr. dr. Lisnawati, Sp.PA.(K))
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Abstract [EN]:
Cervical cancer is a cancer that's found anywhere in the cervix. This cancer generally develops slowly and only shows symptoms when it has entered an advanced stage. Therefore, it is important to detect cervical cancer early before serious problems arise. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as the cause of cervical cancer has been proven from various studies, In this study, HPV DNA was found in 99.7% of all cervical carcinomas. There are two methods commonly used for early detection or screening of cervical cancer are Pap smear with Liquid Based Cytology method and HPV DNA test using PCR method. The molecular technique approach is one of the effective ways for early diagnosis of cervical cancer.
Abstract [ID]:
Kanker serviks adalah kanker yang ditemukan di mana saja di leher rahim. Kanker ini umumnya berkembang secara perlahan dan baru menunjukkan gejala ketika sudah memasuki stadium lanjut. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mendeteksi kanker serviks sejak dini sebelum timbul masalah serius. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) sebagai penyebab kanker serviks telah dibuktikan dari berbagai penelitian, Dalam penelitian ini DNA HPV ditemukan pada 99,7% dari seluruh karsinoma serviks. Ada dua metode yang biasa digunakan untuk deteksi dini atau skrining kanker serviks yaitu Pap smear dengan metode Liquid Based Cytology dan tes DNA HPV menggunakan metode PCR. Pendekatan teknik molekuler merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk diagnosis dini kanker serviks.
Topic 1:
Cervical Cancer Screening: How is The Understanding of The Abnormal Result
Speaker: Dr.dr. Junita Indarti, Sp.OG(K)
Topic 2:
The Importance of LBC in the Cervical Cancer Screening
Speaker: Marcus Poh
Topic 3:
Cervical Cancer Screening: HPV DNA Role in The Cervical Cancer Screening
Speaker: Denisa Bartonova
Topic 4:
Cervical Cancer - Result Interpretation of Papsmear & HPV DNA
Speaker: Dr. dr. Lisnawati, Sp.PA.(K).
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