
1. Preparasi / Ekstraksi
(Step description Preparation / Extraction)
PCRBIO Rapid Extract PCR Kit (80 x 50μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB10.24-08
PCRBIO Rapid Extract PCR Kit combines rapid DNA extraction with fast, highly specific DNA amplification in a convenient, easy-to-use format. Generate PCR-ready DNA in as little as 15 minutes, without any need for spin columns or hazardous chemicals.
PCRBIO Rapid Extract Lysis Kit (80 x 50μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB15.11-08
PCRBIO Rapid Extract Lysis Kit makes extraction of PCR-ready DNA quick and easy. Our advanced lysis and protease buffer system works with a variety of sample types, without the need for hazardous chemicals or multiple washing steps.
NucleoSpin RNA Virus, Mini kit for viral RNA from cell-free fluids
Cat. No: 740956.50
NucleoSpin®RNAVirus/VirusF kits are designed for the rapid preparation of highly pure viral nucleic acids (e.g., HCV, HIV, CMV) from fluid biological samples, for example plasma, serum, urine, swab wash solution, liquefied sputum.
NucleoSpin RNA Virus Columns for viral RNA from cell-free fluids
Cat. No: 740956.250S
(Columns Only) NucleoSpin®RNAVirus/VirusF kits are designed for the rapid preparation of highly pure viral nucleic acids (e.g., HCV, HIV, CMV) from fluid biological samples, for example plasma, serum, urine, swab wash solution, liquefied sputum.
NucleoSpin RNA Virus for Qiacube
Cat. No: 740956.240C
Mini spin kit for the isolation of viral RNA and DNA from cell-free biological fluids on QIAcube.
NucleoSpin Dx Virus, Mini kit for CE certified purification of viral RNA/DNA
Cat. No: 740895.50
The NucleoSpin® Dx Virus kit is a generic system for the manual isolation and purification of viral nucleic acids from human serum or plasma samples for subsequent in-vitro diagnostic purposes. The kit can be used with fresh and frozen human serum and plasma, stabilized with either EDTA or citrate from common blood collection systems. The kit is designed to be used with any downstream application employing enzymatic amplification and detection of RNA and DNA (e.g., RT-PCR, PCR).
NucleoSpin Plasmid EasyPure, Mini kit for easy plasmid DNA purification
Cat. No: 740727.50
The NucleoSpin®Plasmid EasyPure kits are designed for the rapid, small-scale preparation of highly pure plasmid DNA (mini preps). Featured with a new specially treated silica membrane which allows speeding up the procedure by a combined washing and drying step. The number of washing and drying steps is reduced from 3 to only 1.
NucleoSpin RNA, Mini kit for RNA purification
Cat. No: 740955.50
NucleoSpin®RNA kits are recommended for the isolation of RNA from cultured cells and tissue. Support protocols for the isolation of RNA from reaction mixtures, bacteria, and yeasts using the NucleoSpin®RNA kit are included. The kits allow purification of pure RNA with an A260/A280 ratio generally exceeding 1.9 (measured in TE buffer, pH7.5).
NucleoSpin Virus, Mini kit for viral RNA/DNA purification
Cat. No: 740983.50
Mini spin kit for time saving parallel isolation of viral RNA / DNA from different samples. NucleoSpin® Virus kit is designed for the rapid preparation of highly pure viral nucleic acids (e.g., HCV, HIV, CMV) from biological fluids, such as plasma, and serum.
NucleoMag Pathogen kit for viral and bacterial RNA/DNA from clinical samples
Cat. No: 744210.4
The NucleoMag® Pathogen kit allows rapid manual and automated small scale purification of viral RNA/DNA and microbial DNA using magnetic bead technology. The kit is designed for processing of common clinical sample material, such as whole blood, serum or plasma, feces, tissue, or swabs. The kit already contains carrier RNA, proteinase K and all buffers are delivered ready to use.
NucleoMag Virus kit for RNA/DNA purification from cell-free fluids
Cat. No: 744800.4
The NucleoMag® Virus kit is designed for the isolation of viral DNA or RNA from cell-free body fluids such as serum, plasma, saliva and swab washes. This kit provides reagents and magnetic beads for isolation of 96 samples from 200 µL cell-free body fluid. The procedure is based on the reversible adsorption of nucleic acids to paramagnetic beads under appropriate buffer conditions.
TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Cat. No: MIR 2304
TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent is a broad spectrum reagent that provides high efficiency plasmid DNA delivery in many mammalian cell types including primary cells. TransIT-LT1 is a low toxicity, serum-compatible transfection reagent that eliminates the need for any culture medium change. TransIT-LT1 is suitable for both transient and stable transfection and can be used for many applications such as gene expression, viral production, shRNA expression and promoter analysis.
TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.3 ml
Cat. No: MIR 6003
TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System is an advanced, non-liposomal polymeric system that enables high efficiency transfection of many cell types, including primary cells. TransIT-X2 can be used for DNA delivery, siRNA delivery or simultaneous delivery of DNA and siRNA. Transfections with TransIT-X2 do not require medium changes and can be carried out in serum-containing medium.

2. Deteksi PCR
(Step description PCR Detection)
qPCRBIO Probe 1-Step Virus Detect Lo-ROX (600 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB25.51-03
qPCRBIO Probe 1-Step Virus Detect is designed for ultra-sensitive detection of viral RNA by 1-step RT-qPCR using sequence-specific probes. The kit has been optimised with a high-concentration 4x mix, enabling greater sample input and increasing sensitivity, even when working with small volume reactions.
qPCRBIO Probe 1-Step Go Lo-ROX (100 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB25.41-01
qPCRBIO Probe 1-Step Go is a universal probe kit designed for fast, highly specific and ultra-sensitive probe-based real-time RT-PCR. The kit is engineered for use on a wide range of probe technologies including TaqMan®, Scorpions® and molecular beacon probes.
IsoFast™ Bst 1-Step Mix (100 x 25μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB80.21-01
IsoFast™ Bst 1-Step Mix is a dual enzyme system for rapid and sensitive isothermal amplification of RNA targets in one step. The kit contains IsoFast™ Bst Polymerase, providing strong strand displacement capabilities, together with the highly active modified MMLV RTase Go.
RiboShield™ RNase Inhibitor (10 000 Units)
Cat. No: PB30.23-10
RiboShield™ RNase Inhibitor is a recombinant protein that blocks the activity of a wide range of ribonucleases to reliably protect your RNA from RNase digestion. The inhibitor is designed for use in RNA-sensitive applications such as RT-qPCR, cDNA synthesis and RNA sequencing, where the presence of even small amounts of RNase can be highly detrimental to RNA quality and experimental outcome.
qPCRBIO HRM Mix (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB20.31-05
qPCRBIO HRM Mix produces ultra-sensitive melt profiles allowing accurate discrimination of subtle sequence variations including class I to class IV mutations and CpG methylation differences.
qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix Hi-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB20.12-05
qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix can be used to reliably quantify any DNA template including genomic, cDNA and viral sequences, and is able to detect extremely low copy number targets with the highest efficiency. Our 2x mix uses a proprietary intercalating dye that does not inhibit PCR
qPCRBIO SyGreen Blue Mix Hi-ROX (5000 x 20μL Reactions - 50 x 1mL)
Cat. No: PB20.16-51
This easy-to-see mix uses a non-reactive blue dye for easy sample visualisation during reaction setup, allowing fast, highly sensitive and reproducible real-time PCR with more precision and accuracy than ever. qPCRBIO SyGreen Blue Mix is particularly useful in reducing errors when loading small volume reactions or using white plates.
qPCRBIO Probe Mix Separate-ROX (5000 x 20μL Reactions - 1 x 50mL)
Cat. No: PB20.24-50
qPCRBIO Probe Mix is the robust choice for all your probe-based real-time PCR needs. Our universal kit can be used to reliably detect extremely low copy number targets and quantify any DNA template including genomic, cDNA and viral sequences.
qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB20.25-05
qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix is a universal probe kit that includes a non-reactive blue dye for easy sample visualisation and enhanced pipetting accuracy. qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix is the robust choice for all your probe-based real-time PCR needs.
qPCRBIO SyGreen 1-Step Go Hi-ROX (300 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB25.32-03
qPCRBIO SyGreen 1-Step Kits can be used to quantify any RNA template including mRNA, total RNA and viral RNA sequences. This kit is designed for sensitivity and is ideally suited to the detection of extremely low copy number targets. qPCRBIO SyGreen 1-Step Go gives the earliest Ct and is formulated for rapid and accurate results from high template concentrations.
NGSBIO Library Quant Kit Blue for Illumina® Separate-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB71.17-05
The NGSBIO Library Quant Kit contains all the components required for accurate and sensitive quantification of libraries prepared for Illumina® NGS systems. The kit uses qPCR to specifically quantify adapterligated DNA molecules, ensuring optimal cluster densities for improved sequencing efficiency and quality of data.
NGSBIO Library Quant Kit for Illumina® Separate-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB71.14-05
The NGSBIO Library Quant Kit offers a reliable qPCR-based method for the quantification of libraries prepared for Illumina® NGS systems. The kit includes 5 DNA standards, primers specific to the P5 and P7 Illumina® adapter sequences and qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix. The advanced qPCR buffer system has been developed to ensure efficient amplification of all your libraries, including those that are GC or AT-rich. The kit is also supplied with a convenient library dilution buffer.
PCRBIO VeriFi™ Polymerase (100 Units)
Cat. No: PB10.42-01
PCRBIO VeriFi™ Polymerase is a versatile and robust high fidelity enzyme engineered for all PCR applications where greater sequence accuracy is required. Improved DNA binding and increased processivity result in shorter extension times, higher yields and the ability to amplify longer and more difficult targets.
PCRBIO Taq Mix Red (200 x 50μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB10.13-02
PCRBIO Taq Mix Red combines the latest developments in polymerase technology and buffer chemistry to enhance PCR speed, yield and specificity in a single PCR-ready mix. This enzyme and buffer system enable superior PCR performance on complex templates. The red mix format allows reduced pippeting and direct gel loading for simple workflows.
PCRBIO 1-Step Go RT-PCR Kit (100 x 50μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB10.53-10
PCRBIO 1-Step Go RT-PCR Kit is a convenient, easy-to-use kit for fast and efficient cDNA synthesis and PCR in a single tube. The advanced buffer system, reverse transcriptase and hot start polymerase give highly specific and ultra-sensitive 1-step RT-PCR from any RNA template including mRNA, total RNA and viral RNA sequences.
qPCRBIO cDNA Synthesis Kit (25 x 20μL Reactions)
Cat. No: PB30.11-02
High quality cDNA synthesis is essential for downstream real-time PCR analysis and successful expression studies. qPCRBIO cDNA Synthesis Kit is an easy-to-use 2 tube system specifically developed to generate cDNA for use in real-time PCR. The reverse transcriptase, buffer system and optimised blend of random hexamers with anchored oligo(dT) primers provide unbiased, efficient and sensitive cDNA synthesis over a broad range of RNA template concentrations.
Workflow DNA Tech Lainnya
NGS Workflow
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