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autoMACS® Pro Separator

Automated cell isolation with the autoMACS® Pro Separator provides fast and gentle isolation of any cell type. Cells can be automatically isolated from PBMCs, dissociated tissues or directly from whole blood or bone marrow, which makes it ideal for diverse downstream applications, such as flow cytometry, cell-culture assays, or molecular analyses. With true walk-away automated cell separation, reproducible and user-independent results are achievable and certain. Proven in thousands of peer-reviewed publications, the autoMACS Pro is the most trusted automated magnetic cell separation instrument available.

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Produk data dan gambar autoMACS® Pro Separator

Dapat memindai hingga empat reagen dapat ditempatkan di Rak Reagen. Program pemisahan yang sesuai untuk setiap reagen dipilih secara otomatis.

Rak Pendingin MACS memungkinkan hingga 6 sampel untuk diproses dalam sekali proses.

Pengambilan sampel dari tabung 5 mL, 15 mL dan 50 mL ditempatkan di Rak Pendingin MACS yang sesuai.

Mengambil reagen dan sampel untuk pelabelan otomatis, pencampuran sampel, dan pemuatan kolom dengan pemipetan standar.

Re-usable autoMACS® column

Pemrograman yang mudah untuk pelabelan otomatis, pemisahan sel dan langkah-langkah pencucian.

Spesifikasi autoMACS® Pro Separator
Monitoring Pre-set programs for all MACS® MicroBeads and Isolation Kits ensure accurate sample handling. Sensors constantly monitor the status of the autoMACS® Pro, buffer levels, and column status. This ensures optimal instrument performance and safety of samples and operators.
Level of automation Fully automated
Footprint Without MiniSampler: 605x343 mm (W x D)
With MiniSampler: 605x455 mm (W x D)
Height: 392.5-454 mm (adjustable touchscreen)
It is a benchtop-sized instrument that will easily fit under a common laminar flow hood.
Capacity autoMACS Column - Up to 4 x 109 total cells/sample
- Up to 2 x 108 magnetically labeled cells/sample
- Up to 15 mL of whole blood
Volume  0.2 mL - 50 mL sample volume depending on MicroBeads used

Sample Types

  • PBMCs
  • Whole blood
  • Bone marrow
  • Single-cell suspensions from dissociated tissue or tumor
  • Cultured cells (cell lines and primary cells)


  •  Human 
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Non-human primate
  • any others are possible with indirect MicroBeads
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