Beranda > Product > Detail > qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)

qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix is a universal probe kit that includes a non-reactive blue dye for easy sample visualisation and enhanced pipetting accuracy. qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix is the robust choice for all your probe-based real-time PCR needs.

Product data and images for qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Specification for qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Component  Reactions
2x qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX 5 x 1ml 

Reaction Volume  20µL
Storage  On arrival, products should be stored between -30 and -15°C. If stored correctly the kit will retain full activity for 12 months.

Instrument Compatibility

This product is compatible with all standard and fast cycling qPCR instruments. Use our qPCR Selection Tool to find out which ROX variant is compatible with your instrument.

Brochures for qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)
Journal for qPCRBIO Probe Blue Mix Lo-ROX (500 x 20μL Reactions)