Beranda > Product > Detail > GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit
GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit

GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit has product advantages has high specificity detection (Secured by a multicopy sequence of the beta-tubulin gene) easy to use concept (No additional PCR reagents pipetting necessary),  contamination prevention (Master Mix contains Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) and dUTPs eliminating carryover contamination), and simple laboratory workflow (Easily combinable with other GeneProof PCR kits in one workflow)

*CE IVD Certified Diagnostic Test*

Product data and images for GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit
Specification for GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit

Product Information

Product Name Cat. No Packaging
GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit TP/GP/025 25 reactions
GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit TP/GP/100 100 reactions



Product Specification

Indication in vitro diagnostic medical device
Regulatory Status CE IVD
Intended User For professional use in laboratories with trained staff
Technology Real-time PCR
Type of Analysis Qualitative 
Target Sequence Gene polA encoding DNA polymerase I
Extraction/Inhibition Control PCR inhibition and DNA extraction efficiency control 
Validated Specimen Swab from genital ulcer, urine, transport medium: UTM® Viral Transport* (COPAN Diagnostics Inc.)
Storage -20 ± 5 °C

*NOTE: Validated extraction using croBEE 201A Nucleic Acid Extraction System GeneProof PathogenFree RNA Isolation Kit.

Brochures for GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit
Journal for GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit